The 15-minute spell to break out of writer’s block

If you’re dealing with long-term blocks or writing anxiety, you may be starting to think the block is the truth about you—that there was never anything waiting for you but a dead end.

But I’m here to tell you that the opposite is true.

You still have a storyteller's mythic vision. You just need to rekindle the radical creative magic that’s already inside you—just waiting to be unlocked.

Lit candle in an amber glass holder next to an open journal

The best part? No complex magical prep required.

For this guided meditation and ritual working, all you need is 15 minutes, a notebook, and your imagination.

Ready to rediscover your creative wellspring with compassion, curiosity, and joy?

I'll see you inside!

~ Mary (writer, editor, and story guide at the Inspirited Word)