1 min read

1. Your stories are alive

What does it look like to approach storytelling as a living, transformative relationship? And what might be possible if you did?

Do you have a list of beloved books that changed your life... but can't finish one of your own stories to save your life?

In the first episode of the Inspirited Word, Mary has some core questions for all visionary writers feeling disconnected, disenchanted, or dissatisfied with their stories and their creative practice:

  1. If we can encounter stories in ways that are surprising, personal, and ever-evolving, ways that exert tangible change and transformation in the world—can’t stories be described as alive?
  2. When was the last time you encountered one of your own stories this way as you were writing it?
  3. What might be possible if you did?

Tune in to discover how reframing storytelling as a living relationship can revitalize and re-enchant your creative practice (and help you get unstuck so you can write your most powerful and necessary stories).

Plus, a glimpse of the road ahead for the Inspirited Word pod.

Episode transcript

Black-and-white portrait of a person with short, dark hair and pale skin smiling and looking out a window

Hello! I’m Mary Lanham, an editor committed to helping queer, nonbinary, and femme writers fully access their deep creative vision.

If you’re writing speculative fiction that illuminates margins, or if you’re creating nonfiction on radical spirituality and personal development, let’s set your most luminous, mythic, and inspired storytelling loose.