2 min read

Introducing the Inspirited Word podcast

Join me in late January for the Inspirited Word, a new podcast for visionary writers ready to re-enchant their creative lives.

Join me in late January for the Inspirited Word, a new podcast and digital practice community for visionary writers ready to re-enchant their creative lives.

On the pod, we’ll explore ways to enliven the technical mechanics of our craft with the full visionary power of our imaginations—so we can finally uncover our most potent, most transformative, most necessary work.

Introducing the Inspirited Word

If you’re dreaming of a sustainable writing practice filled with more life, spirit, and deep magic, join the newsletter circle! You’ll get monthly inspiration and supportive, inspirited practices delivered right to your inbox.

You can also find the pod wherever you get your podcasts. See you in January!

Episode Transcript

Hi, I’m Mary, and welcome to the Inspirited Word, a new podcast for disenchanted writers officially lunching in late January.

So, what is a disenchanted writer? If you’ve got a list of beloved books that changed your life, but you can’t finish one of your own drafts to save your life… you might be a disenchanted writer. And that’s not a bad thing to be.

A disenchanted writer isn’t a failure or a fatalist. You’re a seeker and a visionary.

You’re looking for something you’ve lost along the way. Something deeper than craft mechanics and word count goals (although you’ve probably got those, too).

A disenchanted writer still believes storytelling can be deeply transformative—for yourself, for readers, and for creating a more just, enlivened world.

You still want to create stories that make your bones thrum and your breath sing.

If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be stuck. You’d be following the formulas and building functional little word machines: plot diagrams bolted to character arcs powered by themes. But disenchanted writers don’t want to write books that are all machine, no ghost.

You still have a storyteller’s mythic vision. Now you just need to rekindle the radical potential of your writing process. And once you do, anything is possible.

Ready to write stories that feel inspirited and alive, not mechanical and dead?

Well, I’m so glad our virtual paths have crossed—because you’re in the right place.

The Inspirited Word is a monthly podcast and digital practice community for writers ready to re-enchant their creative lives. As you may have guessed, I’ll be your host and fellow seeker along the way. I’m Mary Lanham, and I’m a professional book editor. I’m also a writer with my own history of creative disenchantment, digressions, and rediscovery.

On the pod, we’ll explore ways to enliven the technical mechanics of our craft with the full visionary power of our imaginations—so we can finally uncover our most potent, most transformative, most necessary work.

The inaugural episode of the Inspirited Word will be dropping in late January. So hit that subscribe button to join us as we rediscover the radical, transformative magic in our stories—and actually get those powerful stories on the page.

Oh, and one last thing: Each installment of the Inspirited Word will be paired with follow-up practices, to help you actually apply the concepts explored in the pod. So, if you’re dreaming of a sustainable writing practice filled with more life, spirit, and deep magic, check out the show notes to join the newsletter circle. You’ll get monthly inspiration and supportive, inspirited practices delivered right to your inbox.

I’ll see you in January! Until then, my disenchanted, visionary friends—keep well, and keep writing!